Zaire - Table A. Chronology of Important Events

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 Period/Description  EARLY HISTORY  ca. 10,000 B.C.                    Late Stone Age cultures start                                    to flourish in southern                                    savanna.  first millennium B.C.              In long series of migrations,                                    lasting well into first                                    millennium A.D., Bantu-speaking                                    peoples from West Africa                                    disperse throughout Zaire,                                    bringing an economy based on                                    yam and palm farming.  ca. late first millennium B.C.     Non-Bantu speakers arrive in                                    northern grasslands, then                                    penetrate forest area,                                    intermingling with Bantu                                    speakers who preceded them                                     Central Sudanic speakers                                    introduce cattle herding and                                    cultivation of cereals into                                    northeastern Zaire.  ca. A.D. 100                       Related food complex based on                                    cereals and hunting separately                                    introduced into southeastern                                    Zaire from East Africa.  first millennium A.D.              Bananas introduced from East                                    Africa  iron and copper                                    implements come into use                                     smelting introduced.  FOURTEENTH CENTURY  late 1300s                         Kongo Kingdom established,                                    beginning expansion that                                    continues until mid-seventeenth                                    century.  FIFTEENTH CENTURY                                     Luba Empire "founded" in late                                    fifteenth century by legendary                                    figures, Nkongolo and Ilunga                                    Kalala  other Luba chiefs                                    settle among neighboring                                    peoples, including Lunda, and                                    introduce Luba concepts of                                    state organization  Luba state                                    based on patrilineal farming                                    villages governed by divine                                    king whose authority derived                                    from bulopwe--an                                    inherited, supernatural power                                    conferring the right to kingly                                    office and title. Luba noted                                    for artistic achievements in                                    sculpture, praise poetry, and          2000
                             polyphonic music. Lunda                                    chiefdoms unite to form Lunda                                    Kingdom.  1483                               Portuguese discover Congo                                    River, beginning long-term                                    relationship between Portugal                                    and Kongo Kingdom that lasts                                    until destruction of Kongo in                                    early eighteenth century.  SIXTEENTH CENTURY                                               Lunda kingdom comes under Luba                                    influence  legendary founders                                    of Lunda include Kinguri,                                    Chinyama, and Mwaant Yaav                                     Kinguri and Chinyama migrate                                    west and found Lunda-like                                    states in Angola  Mwaant Yaav's                                    name becomes perpetual title in                                    and royal name for central                                    Lunda kingdom  beginning in                                    sixteenth century, and                                    continuing to eighteenth                                    century, Lunda expand west,                                    east, and south, creating                                    series of related kingdoms                                    governed jointly by kings and                                    councils of titled officials                                     Lunda expansion facilitated by                                    devices of positional                                    succession and perpetual                                    kinship, which made it possible                                    to incorporate non-Lunda into                                    the Lunda administrative                                    system  hunting important among                                    the matrilineal Lunda  despite                                    their political genius, their                                    culture in general was less                                    developed than that of Luba.  ca. 1500                           Zande appear in northern Zaire                                    and found a number of                                    agriculturally based kingdoms.  early 1500s                        Kongo king Affonso requests                                    technical help from Portugal,                                    agreeing to make payment in                                    copper, ivory, and slaves                                     Affonso declares Catholicism                                    Kongo state religion.  mid-1500s                          Corn introduced to Kongo by                                    Portuguese, followed by cassava                                    shortly after 1600 and tobacco                                    by late seventeenth century.  SEVENTEENTH CENTURY  ca. 1630                           Kuba Kingdom founded by King                                    Shyaam aMbul aNgoong  a highly                                    centralized agricultural and                                    trading state, it reached its                                    zenith in mid-eighteenth                                    century and remained stable                                    into nineteenth century.  EIGHTEENTH CENTURY                                              Europeans in west and Arabs in                                    east become heavily involved in                                    slave trade.  ca. 1750                           Kazembe Kingdom founded in                                    Luapula Valley as Lunda                                    offshoot following Lunda                                    expansion to control salt pans                                    and copper mines in Shaba                                     loosely part of Lunda Empire                                    but autonomous in practice.  NINETEENTH CENTURY  1840-72                            David Livingstone explores                                    Congo River basin.  1871                               Livingstone and Henry Morton                                    Stanley, journalist                                    commissioned to search for him,                                    meet on eastern shore of Lake                                    Tanganyika.  1874-77                            Stanley commissioned by New                                    York and London newspapers to                                    continue Livingstone's                                    explorations  Stanley completes                                    descent of Congo River in 1877.  1878                               King Léopold II forms                                    consortium of bankers to                                    finance exploration and                                    colonization of Congo.  1878-87                            Under auspices of consortium,                                    Stanley sets out to establish                                    trading posts and make treaties                                    with local chiefs, eventually                                    returning with 450 treaties in                                    hand.  1884-85                            At Conference of Berlin,                                    November 1884-February 1885,                                    major European powers                                    acknowledge claim of Léopold                                    II's International Association                                    of the Congo  colony named                                    Congo Free State.  1890s                              Construction of transportation                                    network and exploitation of                                    mineral resources begin  forced                                    labor used extensively to                                    harvest rubber, ivory, and                                    other commodities  mutinies                                    within Force Publique in 1895                                    and 1897.  1890-94                            Belgian military campaign                                    expels Afro-Arab traders from                                    Zaire and ends slave trade.  TWENTIETH CENTURY  1908                               In response to growing                                    criticism of treatment of                                    African population, Belgian                                    parliament annexes Congo Free                                    State and renames it Belgian                                    Congo.  1914-17                            Units of Belgian colonial                                    forces see action alongside                                    British forces in German East                                    Africa.  1921                               Simon Kimbangu founds                                    Kimbanguist Church.  1920s-30s                          Early nationalistic aspirations                                    expressed by Kimbanguist Church                                    and Kitawala religious                                    movement.  1940-45                            Production of goods and                                    minerals greatly increased to                                    finance Belgian effort in World                                    War II  large-scale social and                                    economic changes occur as many                                    rural Africans relocate to               2000
                        urban areas  demands for                                    political reforms grow.  1952-58                            Legal reforms enacted                                    permitting Africans to own                                    land, granting them free access                                    to public establishments, and                                    the right to trial in all                                    courts of law as well as some                                    political participation.  1956                               Alliance of the Kongo People                                    (Alliance des Bakongo--Abako)                                    issues manifesto calling for                                    immediate independence.  late 1950s                         Calls for independence of                                    Katanga grow, and separatist                                    party, the Confederation of                                    Katanga Associations                                    (Confédération des Associations                                    du Katanga--Conakat) headed by                                    Moïse Tshombe organized.  1957 March                         Statue passed allowing urban                                    Africans to elect local                                    communal councils  Abako wins                                    majority of seats in urban                                    elections.  May                                Appointed rural councils                                    established.  1959 January                       Belgian authorities disperse                                    crowd of Abako members at                                    political meeting  widespread                                    rioting follows  Belgium                                    recognizes total independence                                    as goal for Belgian Congo.  July                               The Congolese National Movement                                    (Mouvement National Congolais--                                    MNC), which had emerged as                                    standard-bearer of independence                                    movement in 1958-59, splits                                    into two camps, radicals headed                                    by Patrice Lumumba and moderate                                    wing led by Joseph Ileo,                                    Cyrille Adoula, and Albert                                    Kalonji.  1960 January                       Round Table Conference held in                                    Brussels to discuss                                    independence.  May                                In national legislative                                    elections, MNC-Lumumba wins                                    largest number of votes                                     Belgian authorities name MNC's                                    Patrice Lumumba prime minister                                     colonial government promulgates                                    Loi Fondamentale (Fundamental                                    Law) to guide nation to                                    independence and to serve as                                    first constitution.  June                               Abako leader Joseph Kasavubu                                    elected president  Congo                                    becomes independent and First                                    Republic established June 30.  July                               Army mutinies against its                                    European officers, July 4-5                                     officer corps Africanized and                                    Joseph-Désiré Mobutu (later                                    Mobutu Sese Seko) named chief                                    of staff, July 6-9  mutiny                                    spreads to Équateur and                                    Katanga, and Belgium sends in                                    paratroopers  Moïse Tshombe                                    declares Katanga an independent                                    state and Belgian naval forces                                    bombard Matadi on July 11                                     Lumumba and Kasavubu request                                    United Nations military                                    assistance in face of Belgian                                    aggression and Katangan                                    secession, July 12  United                                    Nations Security Council                                    resolution calls for Belgian                                    withdrawal and authorizes                                    United Nations intervention,                                    July 14  first United Nations                                    troops arrive in Zaire, July                                    15, begin military intervention                                    against Katanga in support of                                    the central government.  August                             South Kasai headed by Albert                                    Kalonji secedes August 8.  September                          President Kasavubu and Prime                                    Minister Lumumba formally break                                    and fire each other from their                                    posts  Kasavubu names Joseph                                    Ileo as new prime minister on                                    September 5  on September 14,                                    Mobutu steps in and assumes                                    power while keeping Kasavubu as                                    nominal president  government                                    to be run by the so-called                                    College of Commissioners                                     United Nations and most Western                                    nations recognize Kasavubu                                    government.  November                           Antoine Gizenga leaves for                                    Stanleyville to establish rival                                    national regime. Lumumba, under                                    house arrest since dismissal by                                    Kasavubu, leaves to join                                    Gizenga, but is arrested and                                    transferred to Katanga.  1961 January                       Lumumba killed on January 17,                                    but his death not announced                                    until February.  February                           College of Commissioners                                    dissolved, and provisional                                    government formed headed by                                    Joseph Ileo.  July                               Continuing deliberations                                    undertaken at three conferences                                    earlier in 1961, parliament                                    meets close to Léopoldville to                                    work out framework for a                                    reunified Congo  deputies from                                    all provinces attend  secession                                    of South Kasai ends.  August                             Cyrille Adoula named prime                                    minister, August 2.  1963 January                       After two and a half years of                                    conflict, Tshombe concedes                                    defeat, and Katanga secession                                    ends, January 14  Tshombe                                    arrested and sent into exile.  1964 January                       L 2000
 Led by Pierre Mulele, rebellion                                    breaks out in Kwilu area around                                    Kikwit.  May                                Second rebellion, headed by                                    Gaston Soumialot, begins in                                    east and rapidly spreads.  July                               Tshombe recalled from exile and                                    replaces Adoula as prime                                    minister.  August                             First postindependence                                    constitution adopted.  December                           Eastern rebellion put down and                                    Soumialot sent into exile.  1965 November                      Rivalry between Prime Minister                                    Tshombe and President Kasavubu                                    leads to government paralysis                                     Mobutu leads successful coup,                                    November 24, dismisses Kasavubu                                    and Tshombe, names himself as                                    president, and appoints                                    figurehead prime minister,                                    Colonel Leonard Mulamba  these                                    actions mark end of First                                    Republic.  December                           Kwilu uprising ends, and Mulele                                    goes into exile in Brazzaville                                     he later (1968) returns to                                    Congo under amnesty but is                                    executed.  1966                               July Former Katangan gendarmes                                    mutiny in Kisangani.  December                           Cities with European names                                    gradually given African names.  1967 January                       Upper Katanga Mining Union                                    (Union Minière du Haut-Katanga-                                    -UMHK) nationalized.  April                              Popular Revolutionary Movement                                    (Mouvement Populaire de la                                    Révolution--MPR) created, April                                    17.  May                                In Manifesto of N'Sele, Mobutu                                    proclaims official ideologies.  June                               Second postindependence                                    constitution proclaimed,                                    removing virtually all                                    political power from provinces                                    and allowing president to rule                                    by decree.  July                               Former Katangan gendarmes again                                    mutiny in Kisangani.  1969                               June About thirty Lovanium                                    University students                                    killed in clashes with                                    security forces.  1970 November                      Mobutu elected president in                                    first presidential election,                                    having already held office for                                    five years.  1971-72                            Country's name changed to                                    Zaire, October 1971  under                                    policy of authenticity, all                                    colonial or Christian names                                    changed to Zairian ones, 1972                                     provinces now called regions                                    and given non-European names.  1973 November                      Policy of Zairianization                                    proclaimed  foreign-owned                                    businesses and property                                    expropriated and distributed to                                    Zairian government officials,                                    resulting in increasing                                    economic chaos.  1974 August                        Revised version of 1967                                    constitution promulgated,                                    making MPR synonymous with                                    state.  1975 November                      Policy of retrocession                                    announced, returning much                                    expropriated property to                                    foreign owners.  1977 March                         Shaba I: Zairian insurgency                                    group invades Shaba Region from                                    Angola and is defeated, only                                    with help from France and                                    Morocco, by May.  October                            Legislative elections held.  December                           Mobutu reelected president,                                    running unopposed.  1978 February                      Constitution revised  military                                    establishment purged following                                    discovery of coup plot.  May                                Shaba II: Same insurgent group                                    launches another invasion of                                    Shaba from Zambia and is again                                    defeated only with help of                                    French and Belgians.  June                               Pan-African peacekeeping force                                    installed in Shaba and stays                                    for over a year.  1982                               September Legislative                                    elections held                                     multiple candidates                                    allowed for first                                    time  more than                                    three-quarters of                                    incumbents voted                                    out  thirteen                                    parliamentarians                                    attempt to form                                    second party and are                                    arrested.  1984 July                          Mobutu reelected without                                    opposition.  November                           Rebel forces occupy Moba in                                    Shaba Region for two days                                    before town recaptured by                                    Zairian forces.  1985                               June Zaire celebrates twenty-                                    five years of                                    independence  on eve of                                    celebration, guerrillas                                    briefly occupy Moba                                    again.  1987 September                     Legislative elections held.  1989 February                      Student disturbances break out                                    in Kinshasa and Lubumbashi and                                    result in violent clashes with                                    armed police.  1990 April                         Third Republic declared on                                    April 24  Mobutu promises                                    national multiparty elections                                    the following year.  May                                Protesting students at                                    University of Lubumbashi                                    massacred by government forces                                     as a result, Belgium, European                                    Community, Canada, and United                     186c
                  States ultimately cut off all                                    but humanitarian aid to Zaire.   December                           Legislation permitting                                    political parties to register                                    finally passed.  1991 April-May                     Security forces intervene                                    violently against                                    demonstrators.  August                             National conference on                                    political reform convened with                                    ostensible mandate to draft new                                    constitution as prelude to new                                    elections  conference                                    suspended, August 15.  September                          Unpaid paratroopers mutiny in                                    Kinshasa and go on rampage,                                    looting and violence spread                                     France and Belgium send troops                                    to restore order and evacuate                                    foreign nationals.  October                            Opposition leader Étienne                                    Tshisekedi named prime minister                                    in early October but fired by                                    Mobutu a week later, spurring                                    violent demonstrations  France                                    joins other Western nations in                                    cutting off economic aid to                                    Zaire  Mobutu appoints Mungul-                                    Diaka to succeed Tshisekedi.  November                           Mobutu names another opposition                                    leader, Nguza Karl-i-Bond,                                    prime minister.  December                           National conference reconvenes.  1992                               National conference activities                                    periodically suspended by                                    Mobutu  economy continues to                                    deteriorate  Western nations                                    call for Mobutu to step down,                                    but he clings to power.  February                           Peaceful demonstrations by                                    Christian groups violently                                    broken up by security forces                                     up to forty-five killed and 100                                    injured.  April                              National conference meets,                                    declares itself to have                                    sovereign powers not only to                                    draw up a new constitution but                                    also to legislate a multiparty                                    system  Transitional Act passed                                    establishing new, transitional                                    government  these actions                                    constitute a direct challenge                                    to Mobutu, who does not accept                                    conference's authority.  August                             Newly named Sovereign National                                    Conference elects Tshisekedi                                    prime minister, precipitating                                    violent confrontations in Shaba                                    Region between supporters of                                    Tshisekedi and Nguza  conflict                                    between Tshisekedi and Mobutu                                    over who runs government                                    continues.  1993 January                       Soldiers riot and loot                                    following refusal by merchants                                    to accept new Z5 million notes                                    with which military personnel                                    were paid  in ensuing violence                                    dozens of soldiers killed by                                    elite army unit loyal to                                    Mobutu  French ambassador                                    killed while watching violence                                    from his office window.  March                              Mobutu dismisses Tshisekedi and                                    names Faustin Birindwa prime                                    minister of so-called                                    government of national                                    salvation  Birindwa names                                    cabinet in April  Zaire now has                                    two rival, parallel                                    governments.  October                            More rioting and looting occur                                    when opposition parties promote                                    boycott of new currency issue                                    used to pay troops. 

Data as of December 1993

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